ConQuest Ventura
January 17-19, 2025
Channel Islands Masonic Center

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All Miniature Games
Sat 10 AM
to 2 PM
(4 hrs)

M-120: Large Fantasy Battle
Presented by Stephen Thurston-Keller

Perilous Encounters
Regular signup, room for 6 players
Regular Game, General Gaming Experience, Players provide characters and/or armies for the game.
Location: not yet assigned
Description: This is a fast paced Fantasy Battle game in 28mm. Vast armies will move against each other on the field of battle. Lots of dice rolling and action. Players are encouraged to bring their Fantasy Armies that can either supplement or replace the small Armies provided. All terrain, dice, rules, and guidance is provided by the GM. This is all the pageantry of Warhammer Fantasy Battle with none of the baggage and a lot more fun.

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